Accelerate Rejuvenation of Oil Palm, Government Establishes for Replanting Working Team
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, September 10 2017 - 21:30 IWST
Lahan Kelapa Sawit (Ist) - Jakarta - The Government will establish a Palm Oil Replanting Working Team (Rejuvenation) to solve the replanting problems that have been appearing. This tm will be composed of ministries, local government and Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDP).
"Why should the working team be there, so that any thoughts and plans from each of us should be discussed in the work team We want this program to work well and continuously," said Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution in Jakarta, Saturday (9 / 9/2017).
The ministries include the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial / National Land Agency.
Meanwhile, six provinces are included in this palm oil replanting program priority. They are Riau, South Sumatera, Jambi, Bengkulu, West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.
Consideration of these areas is based on the readiness of local governments related to the readiness of certified seeds owned. Later the number of areas incorporated in the Palm Replanting Working Team will continue to grow to adjust future developments.
"Of course this program involves four ministries, including with the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, and then it is certain that the local government will be able to grow in number," said Darmin.
Darmin stressed the need for standards in the implementation of palm replanting. According to some things to note, first related to the issue of seeds used must be certified.
Second, the management of the rejuvenated plantation should be done in cluster either through cooperatives, village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) or farmer groups. Third, the availability of off taker (foster father) who also serves as a guarantor of credit / avalis.
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