Ridwan Kamil Supported by Golkar, Dedi Mulyadi Cancel Join West Java Election?
By : Irvan AF And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, September 22 2017 - 21:00 IWST
Walikota Bandung Ridwan Kamil. (Foto: beastudiindonesia.net)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The Regent of Purwakarta, who is also the Chairman of West Java Golkar Party DPP shocked, letterhead DPP Golkar Party with the signature of Chairman and Secretary General, Setya Novanto and Idrus Marham support Ridwan Kamil paired with Daniel Mutaqien Syafiuddin. Dedi wonder, in the middle Setya Novanto ill, exhausted heart surgery, as soon as it can decide the problem Pilgub Jabar.
In the middle of solid coalition of Golkar Party and PDIP Party in Pemiluhan Governor (Pilgub) West Java 2018, suddenly surprised by letter head of DPP Golkar Party circulating with signature of General Chairman and Secretary General of Golkar Party Setya Novanto and Idrus Marham to support Mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil.
This letterhead ensures that the political constellation of West Java Pilgub will change. If it is true carrying Ridwan Kamil, then Regent Purwakarta, who is also Chairman of DPW Golkar Party West Java Dedi Mulyadi will be threatened will not follow Pilgub Jabar.
Golkar DPP letterhead circulates among media crews, whose contents support the Mayor of Bandung as a candidate for governor.
The letter does not yet have the number, or the date, but there is already the signature of Ketum Golkar Setya Novanto and Secretary General of Golkar Idrus Marham at the bottom of the letter.
"The Central Executive Board of the Golkar Party decides and authorizes Mr. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil ST MUD as a candidate for Head of Region in pair with Mr. Daniel Mutaqien Syafiuddin ST as the candidate for Vice Regional Head of West Java Province who carried the Golkar Party in the Pilkada simultaneously Round 3 of 2018," the letter read.
Chairman of DPW Golkar Party of West Java, which is also Purwakarta Regent Dedi Mulyadi ordered to follow up kepusan it. The decision of the DPP is final.
Responding to the circulation of the letter, Dedi Mulyadi admitted astonished because the condition of Setya Novanto who lay sick, cannot dare to take important decisions.
"Mr. Setya Novanto was operated at the heart of the hospital, the time of the heck people in the surgery just finished the healing period can decide that quickly," Dedi said when contacted by reporters, Friday (22/09/2017).
Dedi said, it is difficult to imagine the condition of severe pain, Setnov, call Setya Novanto, can determine decisions that concern the lives of many people including the Golkar party.
"In the middle of a serious illness, I still have time to make a meeting and decide the candidates for governor and cawagub regarding the life of 46 million people of West Java and the continuity of Golkar party," said Dedi.
Meanwhile, Golkar DPP Assistant Secretary Hasan Syadzily did not deny about the appointment of Ridwan Kamil so cagub Golkar. But he did not want to talk about the contents of the letter.
"Firstly, the Golkar Party's DPP issued the letter must officially conduct a meeting, involving all elements in the DPP Golkar Party, including the Chairman of West Java Province DPD," said Ace.
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