Ten Hotels in Badung Bali Accept Delay Foreign Travelers
By : Chodijah Febriyani And Aldi Firhand A | Sunday, October 08 2017 - 15:55 IWST
Illustration of Foreign Tourist Visits (Wisman)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Mangupura - Head of Tourism Office of Badung Regency, Bali, I Made Badra admitted there are ten hotels that receive delays from foreign tourists to stay in star hotels in the area.
"The delay is due to the influence of the status of Mount Agung who entered the alert level, so there are some guests who make delays come to Bali, especially Badung," said Badra when contacted at Mangupura, Friday (6/10/2017)
He said, for the presentation of the number of foreign tourists who delay coming to Badung still recorded to each hotel owner.
Former Head of Badung Fisheries Office admits guests who do "cancellation" to stay at the hotel in Badung can reach 50 to 100 rooms.
"Indeed there are some delays guests who stay at a number of hotels in Badung, but in general for the arrival of tourists to a number of tourist attractions until now is still stable," he said.
The existing attractions in Badung is still a prima donna, such as Kuta Beach, Pandawa Beach and "water sport" in Tanjung Benoa, and other tourist villages.
In addition to having its natural beauty, Badung is still the main attraction of foreign tourists because it has customs, art and culture that adi luhung.
He hopes that the alert status of Gunung Agung will not affect Bali tourism in general and Badung regency in particular, because the local government is targeting the visit of foreign tourists coming to Badung through the number of six million people in 2017.
It has also coordinated with the travel association or "Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travel" (ASITA) in the area to temporarily not offer tour packages climbing Mount Agung.
He urged foreign tourists who come to the island did not panic with the rise of the status of Mount Agung and still enjoy the holiday in Bali.
"I hope tourism stakeholder can give a good explanation to the tourists, that tourism in Bali is still safe to visit," he said.
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