GMFI Price Just Up 2% in Prime Trading Today
By : Abraham Sihombing And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, October 10 2017 - 17:00 IWST
PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia (GMF AeroAsia), (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - The share price of PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia Tbk (GMFI), or GMF AeroAsia, rose 2% to Rp408 per unit in early trading on Tuesday (10/10/2017) on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) floor.
Shortly after the bell sounded, GMFI transacted 332 times with the volume of transactions as much as 77,939 lots with a total trade value of Rp3.13 billion.
GMFI is a company that becomes the 25th issuer of BEI. The total number of IDX issuers is currently 559 issuers. In the Initial Public Offering (PUPS) held some time ago, GMFI management offered 2.82 billion units of new shares worth Rp100 per unit to public investors at an offering price of Rp400 per unit.
After reaching its highest price in the position of Rp408 per unit, GMFI price soon fell to Rp382 per unit.
"I am grateful to the various parties who have supported our efforts to be able to register the shares officially on the IDX," said Iwan Juniarto, President Director of GMFI, at BEI Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/10/2017).
In this PUPS, GMFI management has appointed several underwriters, PT Bahana Sekuritas, PT BNI Sekuritas, PT Danareksa Sekuritas and PT Mandiri Sekuritas. (Abraham Sihombing)
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