Until 2025 Waiting List of Hajj Pilgrims Reaches 3,197 Persons
By : Ahmad Fadli And Aldi Firhand. A | Sunday, October 15 2017 - 22:00 IWST
PT Patuna Mekar Jaya or Patuna Travel, hajj and umrah travel agency held a Major Meeting of Prospective Hajj Pilgrims in 2018-2025 at Manggala Wanabakti building on Sunday (15/10/2017).
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - PT Patuna Mekar Jaya or Patuna Travel, hajj and umrah travel agency held a Major Meeting of Prospective Hajj Pilgrims in 2018-2025 at Manggala Wanabakti building on Sunday (15/10/2017). It claims there are 3,197 candidate special pilgrims who entered the waiting list Patuna Travel up to 2025.
"This grand meeting was attended by 960 people entitled to the Umrah Lottery," said President Director, PT Patuna Travel Syam Resfiadi.
He explained that this activity cooperates with Muamalat bank in providing incentives for special haj travel partners who deposit the cost of Hajj (BPIH) through Muamalat bank.
"Cooperation has been ongoing since 2014 until now, where each managed to collect 20 people get cashback in the form of a free umrah lottery," he said. His party is also grateful until now Patuna Travel get hearts in the community so that became the best pilgrimage and Umrah pilgrims in 2017.
This is evidenced through the system of pilgrim data entered in the waiting list until the year 2025 reaching 3,197 prospective pilgrims. He said, for the pilgrims today do not start tempted by the cost of cheap umrah, which ultimately led to the cancellation of departure.
"It is good for those who want to hajj can check the travel agency first, it can be accessed through the application Haji Pintar, and for Umrah can be accessed via Umrah Smart via android," he concluded
Head of Consumer Liability Bank Muamalat Branch Police Commander Jakarta, Agus Andipratama Amir. Bank Muamalat has been working with Patuna Travel since 2014. The cooperation until now has been very good.
He added that the similar vision between BMI and Patuna is the key to the success of the cooperation so far. "Proverbial, perfect love triangle between Bank Muamalat, Patuna and prospective pilgrims," He conclude.
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