NTT Focuses on Infrastructure and Tourism Industry Development
By : Chodijah Febriyani And Aldi Firhand A | Sunday, October 22 2017 - 19:37 IWST
Mandalika Special Economic Zone (Photo: Ist) - Kupang - Speaker of East Nusa Tenggara Province DPRD H Anwar Pua Geno, said in the long and medium term development plan most of the programs focus on infrastructure and tourism development as supporting and driving the economy and prosperity.
"The province of NTT is still lagging behind the other 32 provinces in the country because of poverty and unemployment and other development balance," he said in Kupang yesterday.
Member of the Golkar Party Faction of NTT DPRD said it was related Three years of President Jokowi-JK's work and the focus of Economic Development by boosting the infrastructure and Tourism sector.
Indonesia at the age of 72 years and NTT will soon enter 59 years but in various fields still lags from other regions, so to encourage it, infrastructure and tourism development becomes a priority.
"Both sectors are seen to be able to increase their level of resilience and are believed to be in line with other regions in the country," he said.
The tourism sector has been a leading sector for other sectors to boost growth in the current year in NTT, even as the country's leading source of foreign exchange in 2019.
"According to the analysis of GDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product), the sector of accommodation and drinking accommodation has the potential to develop, excel and compete," he said.
In addition, various momentum of `tourism engine has also been rolling. However, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) establishes NTT as the poorest province number three in Indonesia, and at the same time NTT also has abundant natural resources as well as tourist objects and destinations.
The tourism sector can be the engine driving the sectors. For that we need a deep study and a clear description of the existing conditions and potential for tourism development and the linkage with other economic sectors, he said.
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