PTPN XI Increases Capacity of Six Factories 2018
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, November 10 2017 - 20:30 IWST
Tahun 2017 Sejumlah Pabrik Gula di Jawa Timur Akan di Tutup - Surabaya - PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI plans to increase the capacity of six sugar mills in its environment by 2018, aiming to meet the needs of the community.
"With the increase in the capacity of the factory, we will be able to meet the needs of the community in the future," said PT Chief Executive Director of PTPN XI Moh Cholidi, in his written statement in Surabaya on Friday (10/11 / 2017)
He said the increase in production capacity of the six factories is included in the strategic plan section of the company next year. Previously, said Cholidi, in 2017 PTPN XI has made efforts to increase sugar production capacity in 3 Sugar Factory (PG) namely PG Djatiroto to 10,000 TCD, PG Assembagoes 6.000 TCD and PG Semboro 7,500 TCD gradually.
While six plants will be upgraded in 2018, Cholidi mentions each PG Rejosari, PG Sudhono, PG Pagottan, PG Kedawung, PG Wonolangan, and PG Pradjekan, with an increase to 4,000 TCD.
"The increase in the capacity of our factory is done gradually until 2019," he said.
In addition, other strategic plans are to undertake inefficient sugar mill operations, such as PG Olean, PG Gending, PG Padjarakan, and PG Wringinanom.
The transfer function is done when the capacity of PG Assembagoes has been improved, so as not to reduce the service to farmers and the ability of the existing sugar cane milling.
"Currently, the function has been transferred to PG Kanigoro, although our production is still being improved due to the revitalization of PG Djatiroto and PG Assembagoes through the State Capital Participation (PMN) Rp650 billion, as well as 6 other PGs," he explained.
Cholidi said PTPN XI would also care about human resources by moving inactive PG employees to active PGs as well as selecting non-permanent employees.
"Structuring of human resources formation including personnel competency arrangement will also be done to improve work efficiency," he said.
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