PLN Ready to Supply Dumai Industrial Estate 60 KVA
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, November 16 2017 - 21:00 IWST
Ilustrasi Gardu Listrik PLN (Ist) - Jakarta - PT PLN (Persero) is ready to supply electricity of 60 MVA to support investment in Industrial Area (KI) Dumai, Riau.
West Sumatra Regional Business Director PLN Wiluyo Kusdwiharto said in a press release in Jakarta on Wednesday (15/11/2017) that to supply the 60 MVA, PLN built a 150kV high-capacity (SUTT) air line along a 27 km circuit from 150kV Dumai Substation, which is currently under construction.
Wiluyo is optimistic that the project can be completed in the first half of 2018.
"The first stage we meet on demand, but if there is additional, PLN is ready to discharge any electrical energy," he said.
As evidence of PLN's readiness to support KI Dumai, according to Wiluyo, on Wednesday, signed a 60 MVA power purchase agreement between PLN and PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia in Jakarta.
SJBTL signed Irwansyah M Putra, as General Manager of PLN Riau and Riau Islands Region, with Erik, as Deputy Director of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, witnessed by Wiluyo Kusdwiharto.
The cooperation aims to support economic growth and increase investment in KI Dumai, Riau.
Wiluyo added that the condition of electricity in Sumatra is getting better, so that all electricity needs can be entrusted to PLN.
"We are always ready to supply electricity and industry players and business actors can focus more on taking care of their business," he said.
With the signing of SJBTL, Wilmar becomes the largest current PLN customer in Riau which will be a positive signal for the province's economic growth.
In the future, Wiluyo will not only increase the demand for electricity but also Wilmar's production capacity will increase as well as derivative plant and industry from palm oil will be built in KI Dumai to create new jobs.
"Many benefits will be felt for the community, especially in Dumai and Riau Province in general," said Erik.
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