Indonesian Coal Companies are Ready to Dominate Chinese Market
By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, November 20 2017 - 19:00 IWST
Ilustrasi tambang batu bara (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - PT Pacific Borneo Pacific (BPG), which gained confidence in representing Indonesia at a coal mining exhibition or "China Coal and Mining Expo (CCME)" in Beijing some time ago, said it was ready to dominate the Chinese market.
"BPG is trying to make industrial consumers, power companies and investors in the mining and energy sectors of China better understand the regulation and business climate of Indonesia's mining sector," said BPG CEO Rendy Halim in a press release received here Monday (20/11). / 2017)
He cautioned that China needs enormous energy supply to offset the rapid growth of their industrial sector, so that the Bamboo Curtain country opens more opportunities for Indonesian coal businessmen to increase export volume to China.
As is known, CCME is the largest coal mining exhibition in China held every two years. This year, CCME takes the theme of "Intelligent Manufacturing, Leading the Future".
In 2017, the CCME was followed by nearly 400 companies from 18 countries, including the United States, Russia, and Germany.
CCME is an arena for improving good relations between China and Indonesia, especially in trade.
Potential buyers and investors from China get an explanation regarding coal price fluctuations to guarantee transparency in the mining and shipping process of these commodities.
Head of Sales PT BPG David Tjie said it is useful to increase confidence that business between China and Indonesia is very safe and prospective.
"The response of the market is very good and they look enthusiastic to understand more about coal trade in Indonesia through this exhibition we want to make the coal trade relationship between Indonesia and China to be better in every aspect," said David Tjie.
According to him, BPG products with a very low level of sulfur content below 1 percent is suitable to meet the needs of consumers in the industrial sector of China is very concerned with the level of air cleanliness.
BPG started exporting to China in 2015 with an initial volume of hundreds of thousands of tons per year. By the end of 2017, cumulatively export growth to China will reach 310 percent.
This year, he added, coal exports from Indonesia to China have generated foreign exchange worth 1.68 billion US dollars or an increase compared to last year's only 1.03 billion dollars.
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