Kominfo: There are 110 Million registered Simcard
By : Ahmad Fadli And Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, December 21 2017 - 19:30 IWST
Jumpar Pers Terkait Registrasi Ulang Kartu Prabayar oleh Dirjen Postel Kominfo Bersama Seluruh Operator, di Kantor Kemenkominfo, Rabu (1/11/2017) Foto: Fadli Industry.co.id
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics noted that more than 110 million mobile phone users have successfully registered SIM cards or prepaid cards to date.
"More than 110 million registered subscriber numbers," said Director General of Post and Informatics Organizer Ahmad M Ramli in the presentation of performance performance in Jakarta, Thursday (22/12/2017). His side would like to thank the people who have done the registration.
Ahmad Ramli said prepaid card registration will provide comfort in transacting in the era of digital economic development. In addition to mobile phone subscriber security, the policy also aims to nourish the industry with the data of owners of verified Subscriber Identity Module (SIM).
Kemkominfo urges mobile users to register immediately before the deadline set at the end of February 2018, so the card is not blocked.
Meanwhile, to register the process is the customer entering the 16 numbers contained in the Population Identity Number (NIK) and Family Card (KK). All mobile user data is secure so users do not have to worry.
The prepaid SIM card subscriber registration program is regulated through Ministerial Regulation No. 21 of 2017 which will be applied on October 31, 2017
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