Rudiantara: Central Ring Palapa confirmed this September
By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, May 27 2018 - 19:00 IWST
Menteri Kominfo Rudiantara menyaksikan penggelaran kabel laut Perairan Tateli, Pineleng, Minahasa, Sulut, Jumat (25/05/2018) - Minister of Communications and Informatics Rudiantara said the Central Ring Palapa will be completed by September this year. This was conveyed during a visit to Minahasa North Sulawesi to witness the marine cable cable deployment Tateli, Pineleng, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Friday (25/05/2018).
"This is a delay for the Central Ring Palapa, I intentionally came to have a ship to install, otherwise the ship will not come here to make sure it finishes at the end of 2018 so August can be completed and then the stability test until September," he said on board the Nusantara Ekspress.
Minister Rudiantara specifically requested the assistance of the Governor of North Sulawesi to ensure the completion of permits in order to speed up the installation of submarine cables. "In September, I will submit to the Governor, what will happen, I do not ask for the budget from the local government, please accelerate the permit," he specifically addressed to the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey who attended.
Minister Rudiantara stated that the construction of Palapa Ring is one of the efforts of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla government in realizing the 3rd Nawacita. "Building Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening the regions and villages within the framework of a unitary state," he said.
In Indonesia, the Government built an information toll via the Palapa Ring in the form of fiber optic construction that extends throughout Indonesia built by telecommunication operators and partly built by the government.
As the backbone infrastructure of broadband telecommunication network (broadband), Palapa Ring consists of three packages, namely Palapa Ring Paket Barat, Palapa RIng Paket Tengah, and East Packet Palapa Ring.
The Central Palapa Ring Package project will connect 17 cities / districts located in the provinces of East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and North Maluku with a cable length of 2,700 km.
"If the Palapa Ring is complete, all districts in Indonesia will be connected to fiber optic backbone networks, so services in Java and other areas do not have a big gap," he explained.
Broadband Access for Communities
Governor Olly Dondokambey expressed optimism with the Palapa Ring Package Project in the future the people of North Sulawesi will enjoy better internet network quality with broadband access. "Later, there will be no internet network that is disconnected, so that all people can use internet optimally," he said.
The governor said the optimal quality of internet network is supported by submarine optical cable installation. "Optical cable Palapa Ring Paket Tengah in North Sulawesi installed starting from Mokupa, Siau to Melonguane and other areas," he said.
President Director of LEN Telekomunikasi Indonesia Raden Wahyu Panca Gelora stated that Palapa Ring Central connects telecommunication cable on land by sea. "There is a BMHl, where the connection from the landline cable to the sea, from cable operator eskisting coincidence in Manado it Telkom so on up to Melonguane then to Morotai, then a piece also connects Central Sulawesi from Luwuk, and Kendari Southeast Sulawesi," he explained.
According to the Director of LTI, for licensing the last route to the sea is clear, the ship is moving continuously to install the cable. "It is targeted that the 7th of August will be completed for the vessel, while the land is already completed, it will probably be bad weather
The vessel plans to work for 144 days, now it's compressed to 74 days, "he said.
To be able to shorten the work then the first derived PLJR Ship to clear the path before the ship Nusantara Explorer cable installs. "So the technical work is done first, for testing at the end, for administrative and licensing issues will work with BAKTI," he explained.
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