Celebration of Christmas Church Immanuel Jakarta Cultured Betawi Culture
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, December 27 2017 - 14:00 IWST
Gereja Immanuel Jakarta (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The celebration of Christmas Day 2017 at GPIB Immanuel congregation, Central Jakarta, held with vibrant Betawi culture nuance from the music and clothing of the congregation who attended on Tuesday.
Christmas Committee GPIB Immanuel chose Betawi culture in the Christmas celebration because the city of Jakarta had just held the Governor Election in April and the location of the church located in the city center.
"The nuances of Betawi because we have just implemented the election of the governor, then also want to be different from the more formal previous years. Our church position also happens to be located in downtown Jakarta," said Chairman of Christmas Committee Alda Abigael at GPIB Immanuel, Jakarta, 26/12/2017)
Alda said GPIB Immanuel congregation strongly supports mixing Betawi nuances in Christmas services as an effort to preserve Betawi culture.
Based on the observation, the congregation generally uses kebaya encim, women's clothing Betawi, and batik cloth, while the congregation of men using koko clothes with pairs combined batik and pants komprang and peci.
In addition to clothing, singing and chanting a Christmas song was accompanied by music keroncong kerontong from Toegoe and Ondel-Ondel Dance.
Betawi cultural decoration has been seen from the main entrance of the church, the installation is like a typical house terrace of Betawi. In it, the ondel-ondel trees of colorful paper also increasingly make Betawi nuance.
Leader Kerontjong Toegoe, Andre Juan, said it was used to bring a Christmas song in general to the accompaniment of keroncong music. Constraints in general that combines keroncong music and singing congregation.
"Sometimes the congregation is not familiar with keroncong music.The key is how the songmaker can guide the congregation to the rhythm of keroncong because not everyone can sing keroncong," said Andre.
In addition to Betawi keroncong and dance music, GPIB Immanuel also featured a theater of the Betawi family with the big theme "Peace and Prosperity". (Ant)
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