Central Java Police destroy millions of PCC items

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, December 31 2017 - 22:00 IWST

Deputi Pemberantasan BNN, Irjen Pol Arman Depari (Foto Ist)
Deputi Pemberantasan BNN, Irjen Pol Arman Depari (Foto Ist)

INDUSTRY.co.id - Solo - Central Java Regional Police has destroyed by burning confiscated millions of paracetamol caffeine and carisoprodol (PCC) pill in the Plaza Manahan Plaza yard, Sunday (31/12/2017)

In the event of destruction of millions of PCC items implemented after the Joint Apparel activity in order to secure the New Year 2018 in Solo, was attended by Central Java Regional Police Chief Irjen Condro Kirono, Deputy Eradication of National Narcotics Agency, Inspector General Pol Arman Depari, Commander Korem 074 / Warastratama Colonel Colonel Inf Widi Prasetijono, Commander of Lanud Adi Soemarmo Colonel Pnb Mohamad Tonny Harjono, Mayor of Surakarta FX Hadi Rudyatmo with his staff.

According to the Central Java Police Chief, Insp. Gen Pol Condro Kirono, the number of PCC pills destroyed is 3.5 million grains, and the results of the disclosure of cases conducted by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Police Bareskrim Dirtipidnarkoba, and Ditresnarkoba Jateng Polda on December 3, 2017.

From the results of the investigation, the police raided two cases where PCC pills were produced, in Semarang, which operated since July 2017, capable of producing 1,000,000 tablets per day, and in Solo operations since June this year, it has produced six million tablets. All the pills, marketed to Surabaya, Bandung, Jakarta, and Kalimantan.

According to Kapolda thousands of PCC pills were confiscated from the factory that is in Jalan Gajah Mada Dalam I No. 2 Semarang, Halmahera Road No. 27 Semarang, while Solo Road Setiabudi No. 66 Village Gilingan, and Jalan Gelatik Raya S 12 Langenharjo RT 004 / RW 007, Sukoharjo and Bangun Sari RT 003 / RW 007, Bayam Village, Sukoharjo.

According to Kapolda in fact, it is a total of 4.5 million grains, but a million bushes have been destroyed in Jakarta, and now the remaining 3.5 million PCC pills are destroyed in Solo.

According to Kapolda destruction done symbolically by burning, and then other evidence will be brought to the crematorium to be entered into the next cremation room to be burned.

The police chief said police from the disclosure of the PCC pill production plant had also named three suspects, Sri Anggono alias Ronggo bin Kateni (Alm), Djoni and Wildan Adhyastha Navian bin Alan Marhelan.

"These three suspects are the main actors in the manufacturing of PCC pills," he said.

Two PCC pill production plants in both Solo and Semarang have each produced from one million to six million PCC pills of zenith carnophen type.

Nevertheless, the police chief explains the crime of narcotics rather than the sectoral, but cross-country, so the disclosure should all concerned parties from the region formed the District and Municipal Narcotics Board, then information such as BNN conduct investigation for five days of development from Batam into Solo work together with both Bareskrim and Polda.

"Do not let our nation become a drug market that can finally break the next generation, therefore, the steps of pre-synergy efforts with the law enforcement, so that will reveal the case," said Kapolda accompanied by Deputy Eradication of BNN Inspector General Pol Arman Depari. (Ant)

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