202 Indonesia's History Inventory Still Well-Preserved

By : Aldi Firhand Alqudri | Thursday, July 27 2017 - 00:12 IWST

Silatnas V
Silatnas V

INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta- Indonesia is a country rich in culture, ethnicity, customs, tourism, it has become a color for Indonesia.

From the inheritance, need a way to care, develop and use it to be a positive thing for the archipelago.

For his love of the culture, history and tourism of Nusantara, the National Silaturahmi Raja and Sultan Nusantara (Silatnas) to V held Forum Raja, Sultan, Datu which will be held at Nusantara Building of DPR RI, Jakarta on 27 to 30 July 2017

"We calculate that there are 732 historical inventory records, from the first century up to the 18th century," said Secretary General of the Management Board (BP) Silatnas Raja and Sultan Nusantara, Upu Latu ML Benny Ahmad Samu-Samu as King Samu-Samu Van De Laatste Von Koning Stamboom, in a press conference at Sapta Pesona Building, Ministry of Tourism, Jakarta, Tuesday (07/11/2017).

Since the research in 2012 is still complete inventory only 202 In addition Silatnas Raja and Sultan Archipelago also has a commitment, one of which is by improving the teaching of history ditinggak elementary, junior and senior high school.

"We do not want to be a ruler, but we just want to be the successor to the traditional and cultural heritage in Indonesia," he concluded, Upu Latu M.L. Benny Ahmad Samu-Samu as King Samu-Samu Van De Laatste Von Koning Stamboom.

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