Rice Harvest Continues in Central Java
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, January 07 2018 - 19:00 IWST
panen bersama petani di Desa Pojok Sari Kecamatan Ambarawa, Kab. Semarang
INDUSTRY.co.id - Semarang - Head of Agricultural Post R & D Center along with BB Biogen Head and Head of BB Veterinary Research said it was assigned to ensure that the rice harvest is still underway in Central Java.
"The width of harvested harvest today reaches 60 Ha After harvesting in the village of Pojok Sari, the harvest is continued in Mojolegi Village, Teras Sub-District, Boyolali District with a harvest area of about 30 Ha." he said while harvesting with farmers in the village of Pojok Sari Ambarawa District, Kab. Semarang accompanied Kabid Agriculture Kab. Semarang, Staff of BPTP, Koramil, Babinsa, and extension workers, Friday (5/1/2018).
He said the productivity of rice harvested at these occasions varied from 7.4 to 10 tons of GKP / Ha based on the results of the tiling performed. The varieties of rice planted varied, among others, Sri Makmur, Membramo, and IR 64.
On that occasion, Risfaheri as Head of Balai Besar Pascapanen representing Balitbangtan handed over 2 tons of varieties of inpari rice seeds to 2 farmers in the area.
According to the Head of Biogen Center, Mastur, the seed assistance is intended to disseminate New Superior Varieties (VUB) produced by Balitbangtan. VUB is quite adaptive in the region, so it is expected to replace the long-used varieties that have started to decline, especially from the aspect of resistance to pest.
"The harvest that we have done today proves to the community that the rice harvest is still going on here and other areas in Central Java, so rice production is safe, and the people need not worry," said NLP Indi Dharmayanti, Head of Veterinary Research Center.
"Food Self-Sufficiency is a fixed price, and there is no import." The growing issue that no harvest in January is incorrect," he concluded.
Meanwhile, Kabid Agriculture Kab. Semarang, Fajar Eko, said that this January in Kab. Semarang there are 2,000 ha of rice to be harvested, while in February the harvest target is around 2,000 Ha and March harvest target is around 3,000 Ha. In addition, he also ensured that for January this Semarang regency surplus.
In addition, Saryono, Chairman of Gapoktan Corner Sari Makmur expressed his gratitude for the government's attention so far, so as to receive the assistance of superior seeds, alsintan and assistance in cultivating crops. It is hoped that this year also the government can help to repair irrigation channel / dike which has been collapsed during the rainy season.
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