Papua Province Receives 10 Percent of PT Freeport Dividend
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, January 13 2018 - 21:00 IWST
Tambang Freeport (dok Freeport-Mcmooran) - Jayapura - Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng said Papua Province also received dividends in addition to a 10 percent stake in PT Freeport Indonesia.
In addition to the shares of Papua Province and Mimika Regency will receive a dividend divided every year from the gold tembang company by 6 percent from 10 percent, he said in a press release to media crew in Jayapura on Saturday (13/1/2017).
According to Eltinus, the actual annual dividends received from Freeport are 10 percent. However, it is divided by 4 percent for the central government, while 6 percent for Papua province.
Of the 6 percent, it is subdivided 1 percent for the province, 2.5 percent for 27 districts, and the remainder for Mimika Regency.
He also explained that 10 percent of the shares now controlled by Papua, 3 percent will be managed by the provincial government, while the remaining 7 percent is managed by Mimika Regency, 3 percent of which will be divided into 27 districts.
Another 3 percent, he said, will be handed over to the community owners of ulayat rights, while the remaining 1 percent becomes a fixed share.
He explained that the remaining 1 percent, it does not want to take all. The point is, do not stock up on Freeport.
A total of 10 percent of shares to be given to Papua, managed jointly with Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) which will be formed together with the provincial government.
Thus, it will be arranged in such a way that all parties who later sit as directors or other on the BUMD is really competent and able to carry out the big task of managing the mining proceeds.
Furthermore, it is used as much as possible for the welfare of society above this country.
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