Arcandra Tahar Expects BLU to Change Human Resources to Human Capital
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, January 21 2018 - 16:00 IWST
Wamen ESDM Arcandra Tahar - Bandung - Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar provides guidance to Civil Servants (PNS) within the Geological Agency, Research and Development Agency (Balitbang), and Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM), in Building PPSDM Apparatus, Bandung, Saturday (20/1/2018).
On that occasion, Arcandra revealed the current human resource management paradigm has changed from human resouces to human capital, man is no longer a passive worker, but actively developing himself looking for something, developing something to grow.
"If the resources are being-used, if human beings are used as passive workers, waiting for the command, that are called human resources, as if in our work we wait for the direction of our boss then we will be called human resources," said Arcandra.
Arcandra explained by becoming a Business Service Agency (BLU) for Balitbang and PPSDM, is one step ahead to make human resources into assets called human capital.
"To make this new recruitment employee a human capital we need good competencies from individuals who can be fulfilled if they have competencies.There are three components in supporting the competence of knowledge, skill and experience," said Arcandra.
According to him, the change of human resources into human capital, will make the existing human resources as an asset office, and in human capital can make life more dynamic, hope tomorrow better. For example in technology development,
"In the future I hope that in technological development will be made based on what the market needs, what new research and development will be made," said Arcandra.
"It is a challenge for all of us to make citrus seeds into oranges, apple seeds become apples, not orange seeds and apples into shrubs," he continued.
Arcandra asserted, to form a reliable human capital is not only required a good competence but more than that, it takes a good attitude that is trustworthy. "Can be trusted, in attitude, although we can this and it will be but if in the attitude can not be trusted all the criteria will be lost," said Arcandra.
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