140 RTs in Jakarta Directly Influential Floods of Ciliwung River
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, February 06 2018 - 15:00 IWST
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan said 140 migrants and 48 RWs in Jakarta were directly affected by the increase of the Katulampa dam causing the Ciliwung River to overflow "When talking about the effects of this incident total in Jakarta there are 140 RT and 48 RW directly affected," said Anies at City Hall of DKI Jakarta, Tuesday (6/2/2018).
While the number of refugees up to Tuesday morning at 06.00 WIB totaled 6,532 people all in East Jakarta and South Jakarta, most in South Jakarta 3,900 people, East Jakarta 2,632 people, he said.
"From the observation up to this morning the needs of the refugees, which include the place to evacuate, then bedding blankets are well filled, the food is also all ready position," said Anies.
Until Monday night its position is well supplied. so this morning it's all ready, he says.
"While we are watching the water-hopefully in their environment can be quickly receded, mobile pumps are also all ready, it's the latest update," said the Governor.
On Tuesday morning at 06.00 am, at the water gate Manggarai high water has dropped to 870 centimeters.
"Inshallah will descend again 860. So, the peak of the Ciliwung river flood is already happening and now it is starting to decline, hopefully the process will recede faster, we make sure all pumps in the estuary work well, all work," said Anies Dan teams at 11 points along the Ciliwung river in DKI to keep up to date, he said.
"So my coworkers, even if you know, are guarded by the liaison officer at the door of Manggarai it's a mother who until this time has not slept. I left that place, till half past three in the morning she was 'on'. Come here, he still gives the news," said the Governor.
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