Motives of Persecutors in Sleman Church Is Unknown
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, February 11 2018 - 21:00 IWST
Garis Polisi ( - Jakarta - Yogyakarta Special Police Chief Brigadier General Ahmad Dofiri has not known the motives of the perpetrators of the persecution of four victims at St. Lidwina, Jambon Trihanggo, Gamping, Sleman District, Sunday morning.
"About the motive, do not speculate first, the perpetrator is still critical, so cannot be questioned. Wait further investigation," he said when called on Sunday (11/2/2018).
The perpetrator, known as Suliono, is currently being treated at UGM Hospital, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Ahmad said the incident that happened on Sunday around 07.30 WIB, started when Suliono's men entered the church through the west door of the church and attacked a congregation named Martinus Parmadi Subiantoro and wounded Martinus's back.
Next the perpetrator entered the main church building while swinging a machete so the congregation was scared and dispersed. "The perpetrator uses a machete," he said.
The perpetrator then attacked the Priest Priest who was leading the mass and a congregation, Budi Purnomo who was then still in the church.
Romo Prier suffered a head injury in the back. While Budi suffered injuries to the back of the head and neck.
Some time after the incident, the police immediately tried to secure the situation. Aiptu Munir who is a member of the Gamping Polsek tries to negotiate with the perpetrators in order to surrender.
But the perpetrator attacked Aiptu Munir so the police issued warning shots.
"Already given warning shots, the perpetrators are still attacking the wounded hands of Aiptu Munir," he said.
Eventually Aiptu Munir shot the perpetrator in the stomach and legs of the perpetrator.
Ahmad added three victims in this incident were taken to Panti Rapih Hospital, Sleman, DIY to be treated intensively.
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