President Jokowi's Wish Related to Program of Oil Palm Studies Finally Realized
By : Ridwan And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, February 18 2018 - 17:00 IWST
Institut Pertanian (Instiper) Yogyakarya (Ist) - Jakarta, the request of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to build a special faculty of plantations such as oil palm has been realized in Yogyakarta. Is the Institute of Agriculture (Instiper) Yogyakarta who established the Education of Oil Competence since 2005.
Purwadi as Rector Instiper, in his facebook page, explained that Instiper is able to print S-1 palm such as Sarjana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (SPKS), Sarjana Manajemem Bisnjs Palm Oil ((SMBP), Sarjana Teknik Industri Kelapa Sawit (STIK), Bachelor of Processing and palm oil derivative industry (STPK), Bachelor of Mechanization of Oil Palm Plantation (SMPKS) and the latest Bachelor of Information Technology Plantation KS (STIPKS).
So far, Purwadi said, Instiper, using the model of University Industry Partnership, has collaborated to organize Education Scholarship of Ikatan Dinas with several companies, namely Astra Agro Lestari, Sinar Mas (Smart), Asian Agri, Willmar, Triputra Agro, PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro, First Resources, DSN group, PT Karya Mas, PT Citra Borneo Indah, Minamas, and other companies.
"We work together for the internship of more than 20 groups of companies," Purwadi said.
Previously, the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) requested that the campuses can open a special program or study on coffee and palm oil, in the opening of the 2018 Conference of the Indonesian Rector Forum in AP Hasanuddin University (UPH) 2/15/2018)
The President said that the two majors had a great opportunity in the industrial world. He asked all universities in Indonesia to observe technological developments and open majors or faculties that can absorb labor.
"There is no coffee majors, there is no one, but two of these majors are enjoyed by the community, and the coffee is widely enjoyed by the community, the oil palm is a lot of land in Indonesia, reaching 13 million hectares," explained the President.
Purwadi said Instiper is currently the largest printer and supplier of human resources in Indonesia for oil palm plantations and its derivative industries.
The campus in Yogyakarta has become a role model of special education in the field of oil palm. INSTIPER is known as The Best Oil Palm University special oil palm scholar.
In August 2017, there were 858 new students registered in 604 students in Faculty of Agriculture with details of Prodi Agroteknologi, 424 in Agribusiness 180 students.
Then the Faculty of Agricultural Technology received 148 students consisting of 15 people in Agricultural Engineering Prodi and 97 people in Agricultural Produce Technology. While the Faculty of Forestry on Forestry Prodi as many as 106 students.
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