16 US Investors Visit NTB's SEZ Mandalika

By : Herry Barus And Aldi Firhand. A | Monday, February 19 2018 - 21:38 IWST

Mandalika Special Economic Zone (Photo: Ist)
Mandalika Special Economic Zone (Photo: Ist)

INDUSTRY.co.id - Mataram - Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) New York brings as many as 16 US investors to Indonesia to conduct visits to a number of areas that have business potential, one of which is Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara.

"According to the plan, Monday (19/2), dozens of investors will be received by NTB Governor TGH Muhammad Zainul Majdi along with his staff and entrepreneurs in pendopo We from Bank Indonesia are asked to accompany," said Head of Bank Indonesia (BI) NTB Achris Sarwani , contacted in Mataram, Sunday night (18/2/2018)

He said the entourage of investors from New York, United States is a follow-up of the Investor Forum organized by the Consulate General of New York, and BI Representative of the United States. They will be in Indonesia from 17-27 February 2018.

The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia requested the Representative Office of BI NTB, Yogyakarta and Solo (Central Java) to facilitate meetings with governors and businessmen in this area.

Before heading to Lombok, investors from Uncle Sam's country first stop in Bali, Saturday (17/2).

During their stay in the Island of the Gods, they held meetings with the board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), and the management of PT Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) ITDC or Limited Liability Company of Tourism Development Indonesia is a state-owned enterprise engaged in tourism, and manage the commercial area of ​​Nusa Dua Bali becomes a world tourist destination in Indonesia. Currently the government is developing Mandalika Special Economic Zone, in Central Lombok District, NTB.

Achris said the entourage of investors from the US was in the tourist area of ​​Senggigi, West Lombok regency, since this Sunday.

"After the meeting with the Governor of NTB, the investors will make a visit to the location of KEK Mandalika, in Central Lombok regency, then Monday (19/2) night, held a meeting with KADIN's board while having dinner," he said.

Information obtained by the Office of the Representative of Bank Indonesia NTB from the Consulate General of New York, the purpose of a visit of a dozen US investors include exploring the potential investment of Indonesia in sectors of concern to investors.

In addition, it provides the exposure of "How to attract investors from US investor perspective" in investment seminars in Jakarta, on February 22, 2018.

The seminar is part of a series of integrated promotional activities "Trade, Tourism and Investment" (TTI), to be conducted with the New York Economic Working Group, in August 2016, in New York, USA.

During their stay in Jakarta, the investors are scheduled to hold meetings with Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, and Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, as well as the central board of Kadin. (Ant)

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