Minister of Industry: Indonesian Herbal and Cosmetic Industry Still Promising
By : Aldi Firhand Alqudri | Tuesday, August 01 2017 - 15:57 IWST
Direktur Jenderal Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM) Kementerian Perindustrian, Gati Wibawaningsih - Jakarta, cosmetics and herbal medicine industry is one of the strategic and potential industries, considering that there are currently 760 cosmetics companies spread across Indonesia and able to absorb 675 thousand workers either directly or indirectly.
Director General of Small and Medium Industry (IKM) of the Ministry of Industry, Gati Wibawaningsih said, we are from Ministry of Industry continues to help promote domestic products one of them by doing exhibition of herbal and cosmetics industry in Kemenperin exhibition plaza today.
"The herbal medicine industry of domestic raw materials, and the producers also from within the country, we are from the government to help promote.This is our task to facilitate this exhibition activity for the industrialists," said Gati in the industry plaza of the Ministry of Industry, Jakarta, Tuesday (1 / 8/2017).
She added, in addition to this exhibition activity, we also create overseas activities to promote domestic products. "Yesterday we are faciliting cosmetics industry to participate in cosmetic exhibition in Bologna, Italy, this cast as the biggest cosmetics exhibition in the world," she explained.
Gati further revealed, the growth of the cosmetics industry is currently quite good, but from 2014, there was a slight decrease due to lack of market demand. Although down, but always higher than the national economic growth. "Income upper middle class is on the rise, that's what we push. So we have a lot of this promote for upper middle class to use domestic products," said Gati.
Gati assess the growth of domestic herbal medicine industry is still promising, with growth above 10%. "As for the cosmetics industry our young children are good, new start-ups have sprung up, we live the link between small industries, medium and large so that there are sub below to be more developed," added Gati.
According to Gati, our herbal medicine industry has no competition, if the cosmetics industry in our nearest ASEAN rival is Tahiland. "Our cosmetic industry players are not as much as Tahiland, but we have creativity.Indonesian creativity remains number one and it needs to know the spa products of Indonesia to be number one in the world," she concluded.
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