Retail Industry Strategy Against Sluggishness

By : INDUSTRY Magazine Editor | Sunday, February 25 2018 - 19:30 IWST

Siasat Industri Ritel Melawan Kelesuan (Majalah INDUSTRY)
Siasat Industri Ritel Melawan Kelesuan (Majalah INDUSTRY) - In recent years, many retailers are depressed. Visitors who come to the mall start to decline. Shop nbsp; shops are also quiet buyers.

The public was subsequently overwhelmed by the closure of offline retailers such as 7-Eleven, Matahari Pasaraya, Lotus and Debenhams.

The scapegoat of this modern retail is online.

By reason, there is now a shift in buying trend in the community from offline to online.

The shift, making a lot of retail stores are out of business.

Indeed advances in technology certainly cannot refuse it. But there are also many opinions that states, many malls are quiet because of changes in lifestyle patterns of Indonesia, from shopping to tourism.

Especially since the services of pick up services, fewer families come to the mall to shop.

Although going to the mall, their goal just to hang out, either in cafes or restaurants while chatting with colleagues.

This is the Retail of the Now Age. Malls must be innovated or changed. Mal must follow the lifestyle of the community.

The mall needs to adjust the lifestyle concept and provide plenty of food and beverage and other entertainment, to keep people busy.

Check out the editorial magazine Industry magazine over the fate of retail business that may be called the variety of causes and what the fad done in the latest issue of 'SIASAT INDUSTRI RITEL AGAINST RELEASE'.

Get also other update issues from industry sector share in Indonesia.

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