Invest Rp1, 7 Trillion, TOD Poris Plawad Soon to be Built
By : Ridwan And Aldi Firhand. A | Saturday, March 24 2018 - 20:30 IWST
Illustration Shelter Integrated with public transportation modes such as Transit Oriented Development (TOD) - Jakarta, Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) in cooperation with the private sector through the scheme of Cooperation with the Government Business Entity (KPBU) will build a transportation-oriented shelter (TOD) in Poris-Plawad, Tangerang, with investment of Rp1, 7 trillion.
"This is the first TOD built with private proponents and is expected to reduce congestion in Jakarta," said Head of BPTJ Bambang Prihantono in Jakarta (23/3/2018).
He explained that Poris Plawad was chosen because of its strategic location, connecting the modes of transportation and will be built near the Poris-Plawad Terminal area.
Poris Plawad Terminal is Type-A terminal in Tangerang City for urban and inter-city inter-provincial (AKDP) and Inter-City Inter-Provincial (AKAP) city transport; TransJakarta Bus and Trans-Tangerang Bus; Batu Ceper railway station connecting Jabodetabek, and Airport train.
"TOD Poris Plawad was built to provide transit areas that respond to increased transportation needs of Jabodetabek and become a transit area by mixing functions of mutually supportive activities, creating reactive and productive areas but still functioning flexibly," he said.
Bambang targets the development of TOD Poris-Plawad could begin in April 2018 and completed in 2019.
"It's going to be done private, he has other strategies, we hope if we can groundbreaking April, start physical development, so 2019-2020 finished all," he said.
In addition to Poris Plawad Terminal, there will be three Terminals that have been planned by BPTJ together with Business Entity namely Baranangsiang Terminal in Bogor City, Jatijajar Terminal in Depok City and Pondok Cabe Terminal in South Tangerang City.
In Jabodetabek area there are 47 potential areas of TOD (22 Town TOD and 25 Sub-City and Environment TODs), with the scheme of KPBU central government / Ministry of Transportation, KPBUD, BUMN Synergy, and cooperation of SAUM operators with private sector / BUMD.
According to data from data processed from existing and ITE 8th edition, JAPTrapis, BPTJ, KCI, PT. Railink and Transjakarta in 2017 the total movement per day and per hour of existing TOD area movement is 61,177 trips / day and 3,399 trips / hour.
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