National Agricultural Production Must be Based on Accurate Data
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, April 01 2018 - 15:30 IWST
Panen Padi (Foto Dok - Jakarta - Agricultural commodity production in the country must be based on accurate data in order to be the basis of the right road map so that the Republic of Indonesia will no longer experience dependence on imported food ingredients in the future.
"Hopefully in the future more of our development planning is based on accurate data, so the tendency to blame each other for the different data will be lost, including the issue of rice production which is always different every year," Member of Commission VII DPR Kurtubi said in a release on Sunday (1/4/2018).
According to Kurtubi, an accurate primary data source should be utilized by not only agencies but also communities so that development planning in both government and business aspects is no longer guessing but based on factual information.
Nasdem politician reminded that until now there is no regulation that binds all ministries and government agencies to use data from the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) based on remote sensing technology.
In fact, according to him, data from the satellite is more accurate, integrated and "real-time", and LAPAN activity in providing upright image of high resolution remote sensing satellite is considered very important for the national interest.
"For all the fields are very beneficial especially for the development plan, the potential of our natural wealth both concerning forestry, fisheries, mining and so on," explained Kurtubi.
He argues that LAPAN remote sensing imagery can be utilized in agriculture in order to support national food security, such as for mapping agricultural land, forecasting agriculture, mapping irrigation paths into information to ensure water flows well into rice fields.
In addition, he said, remote sensing data can also be used to monitor the growth phase of rice so the government can predict the yield of the harvest.
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