Judge: In Communicating in WA, Vero and JT use Hokian Language
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, April 04 2018 - 14:30 IWST
Ahok dan Veronika Tan (Foto Ist)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The judge's panel revealed the reason for former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama sued Veronica Tan divorce in the presence of a third person.
Veronica is known to have an affair since 2010. However, the new Basuki has proof of Vero's infidelity in August 2015 when "catching wet" no incoming calls to Vero phones.
"When the plaintiff asked the defendant, answered nobody and asked the plaintiff to find out for himself," said judge member, Taufan Mandala in the Koesoemah Atmadja Conference Room, North Jakarta District Court, Wednesday (4/4/2018)
Then in 2016, Basuki finds his wife not at home when he returns home early. At that Vero went from home without asking Basuki permission.
"When asked through WA (WhatsApp), the defendant admitted to going with his friend who is also known plaintiff," he said.
It also revealed that Vero often communicate with the man who was mentioned JT initials through the WhatsApp message application.
"In communicating in WA, Vero and JT use hokian," Taufan said.
On Wednesday, North Jakarta District Court panel granted the divorce of former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama to his wife Veronica Tan. Thus both are officially divorced.
The divorce verdict was read out by the Chief Justice, Sutaji at the Koesoemah Atmadja courtroom, North Jakarta District Court on Wednesday.
"Based on the citations of marriage certificate number 323.279 / I / 1997 as of December 17, 1997, was terminated due to divorce with all legal consequences," Judge Sutaji said.
The panel of judges also ruled that child custody of Nathania Purnama and Daud Albeenner Purnama, who were under age, fell to Basuki as father's guardian.
In addition, the judges also ordered Veronica as the defendant to pay the court fee of Rp476 thousand.
"The defendant paid the case which until now is Rp476 thousand," said Sutaji, the judges of North Jakarta District Court.
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