Wim Tangkilisan, Now Close to the Millenials
By : Kormen Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, May 12 2018 - 22:30 IWST
Wim Tangkilisan, Kini Lengket dengan Kaum Milenial (Foto Kormen)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The Tangkilisan Team, former CEO of Globe Media Group, Chief Editor of Investor Daily, and Suara Pembaruan, now claim to spend much time with the millennials.
While handing a new business card that reads Pinterpolitik, Wim so addressed, much to tell about his current activities. "Yes while gush portal pinterpolitik.com, I am a lot of dabbling with young children in some cities of Indonesia," he said smiling.
Wim admitted, in the last year he runs a lot of activities with young children or the millennial. In every city there is already a community of young people who are concerned with political developments, as they also respond to various articles in politics.
"Yes it started from discussions in cyberspace forums by discussing political articles in the political sphere, then they invite to coffee ground with other millennial children. Some FGDs discussed the latest political issues. The speaker is the youngster himself. We travel to every region in Indonesia and there is already a community. Because we already have a strong network, "he said on the sidelines of the discussion of Military and Presidential Election 2019, at BnB Restaurant, Hotel Neo Melawai, Friday (04/05/2018).
According to him, the millennials involved in this discussion have different backgrounds. Even some of them are young Indonesians who are dominating abroad. "Young people are so enthusiastic for this discussion and discussion free," he said proudly.
Wim said, pinterpolitik established since 2016. Birth pinterpolitik, along with the rapid development of online media lately, Wim see the need for a news portal that is able to uphold the principles of truth. That is, the news presented should be based on facts and relevant data, so as to improve insight readers think.
Together with Stephanie Tangkilisan who has a high education and journalism experience abroad, Wim creates news portals with quality and creative content for readers. In making it happen, they are assisted by the best writers, graphic designers and videographers with high creativity and innovation.
In creating its content, PinterPolitik has its own unique characteristics that are different from other news portals. Writing, infographics, and video presented not only describe events like other news portals, but packed more deeply with different viewpoints.
In accordance with the motto, PinterPolitik is present to clarify the political news that is happening in this country. The content aims to hit the news behind the news, dismantle politics behind politics with sharp, courteous or oppositional reviews, with complete and credible assignments.
PinterPolitik is present for anyone interested in understanding what is hidden in every political event in Indonesia. Dare to receive information formed in a critical and non-mainstream perspective, so readers gain a different political insight than they are.
The writing about political events, peeled completely, deeply, and with a different perspective from other news. The lightweight notes about political and non-political events are uniquely packaged, refreshing, and often entertaining. Political news is packed lightly, briefly, and clearly through motion picture. The goal is not only to provide knowledge, but also entertaining. Likewise Political news is packaged in a summary of data and facts through the language of the image, so easily digested and understood the reader. (Kormen)
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