Molindo Raya Industrial Production 4.9 Megawatts Electricity Of Ethanol Waste
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, May 12 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Listrik Ilustrasi - Malang - PT Molindo Raya Industrial produces 4.9 megawatts of electricity from ethanol waste using boiler vinase technology to support the 35,000 megawatt power production target proclaimed by President Joko Widodo.
President Director of PT Molindo Raya Industrial Arief Goenadibrata said the production of electricity using boiler vinase machine is the responsibility of his party which is a producer of ethanol to not only think about the business side but also waste produced.
"So in the waste management we dare to invest big enough for waste management can be done well so as not to pollute the environment and good for everything," Arief said during a media visit in Malang, East Java, Friday (5/11/2018).
Arief explained, the big investment is to select Five Cails-KCP from India to buy vinase boiler which is an electric generator and steam or steam engine that uses fuel vinase.
Use of boiler vinase can produce steam for ethanol distillation process. It is able to reduce the use of coal from the boiler in general that is still using 100 percent of coal.
Molindo's vinase boiler is capable of producing 45 tons of steam or steam and 4.9 MW of electricity. Electrical energy is expected to increase the possibility to help the expansion of power grids to remote areas which will then be in cooperation with PLN.
According to him, the positive value of this tool can produce wasted energy. Burned and wasted energy can be produced and generated electricity. In addition, the use of coal for boilers can go down quite a lot.
"We plan this machine to be fully operational by January 2019. The machine installation process takes approximately six months," he said.
For economic value, continued Arief, the use of coal can be up to 50 percent. If so, the automatic waste of hazardous and toxic substances (B3) produced will be much reduced. The reason so far, they produce a considerable amount of waste, which is about 1.2 million liters per day.
By using the sophisticated engine from India, the use of coal to be less will also reduce the ash of coal burning.
PT Molindo Raya Industrial hopes that with this boiler vinase machine, 3E Efficiency, Energy and Effluent factors are achieved, so Molindo has more competitiveness in the market.
"Through this new breakthrough in this environmentally friendly industry, customers will also benefit from getting the best and consistent product price and quality," he said. (ant)
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