Bulog Ensure Rice Stock Safe ahead of Ramadhan-Lebaran
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, May 12 2018 - 23:30 IWST
Beras (Foto/Rizki Meirino)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta- State Logistics Agency (Bulog) stated that the strategic food commodity stock, especially rice is quite and safe enough to meet the needs of society ahead of Ramadhan and Idul Fitri Day 2018.
Director of Operations and Public Service of Bulog Employee Gunarso at FMB 9 discussion at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics in Jakarta on Friday explained that the current rice stock of 1.2 million tons consists of 1.050 million tons of government rice reserves (CBP) and the rest of Bulog's commercial rice.
"Now Bulog's stock is 1.2 million tonnes," said the employee to the media crew.
He explained Bulog's rice stock is very dynamic because there is absorption and distribution every day. With an average absorption of 15 thousand tons per day, Bulog targets to absorb 300 thousand tons of rice by the end of May.
On the same occasion, Head of the Food Security Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agung Hendriari, said that rice stock in Cipinang Rice Market (PIBC), which becomes a national barometer, is more than enough. Currently, rice stock in PIBC, East Jakarta reaches 43,349 tons.
"The stock is excessive because normally it is 23-30 thousand tons, while the price is higher than last year, but there is a downward trend," said Agung.
In an attempt to stabilize rice prices, Bulog poured rice through the Food Price Stabilization Movement in 82 municipal districts and over 198 markets. Thus, rice prices will follow in the market and be more controlled at the consumer level.
A number of other synergistic steps made by the Ministry of Agriculture, Bulog and Kemendag to stabilize prices and supplies, among others, opening of stalls in the market so that prices in the market are also affected.
The government also held a cheap market bazaar, daily monitoring, and e-commerce market of agricultural basic goods, namely rice, corn, bawnag, chili and chicken meat.
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