Enliven Ramadan, ADI Send Da'wah Caravans To Border Area
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, May 16 2018 - 22:00 IWST
Kafilah dakwah ADI ke perbatasan
INDUSTRY.co.id - Aceh - Akademi Da'wah Indonesia (ADI) Aceh again sent its 22 best students who joined in Kafilah Da'wah Ramadhan to the border areas and inland Aceh.
These areas include Aceh Singkil, Subulussalam, Aceh Tamiang, Southeast Aceh and Simeulue.
The purpose of sending students assisted by the Council of Da'wah of Aceh on the activities of "da'i greeting the border and interior of Aceh" is to preach and revive Ramadan in areas where people are lacking in da'wah and Islamic understanding.
"During Ramadan, in the area they will fill it with various activities. Among them are taraweh prayers, Friday sermons, Ramadan sermons, TPA training, pesantren kilat and tahsin al qur'an, "said Director of ADI Aceh Dr Muhamamd AR MEd, Wednesday (05/16/2010)
Lecturer UIN Ar-Raniry explains that dai-dai sent to the border is a student who also came from the area. So that will be expected after the completion of his education will return to contribute a greater and continuous to the local community.
"After completing their undergraduate and post-graduate education, they will return to their home region to serve and prosper to their area. Because if you only rely on dai from outside the region, it will not be able to contribute much due to the distance traveled far, "said Dr. Muhamamad.
He also added before the students had attended the briefing at Markaz Da'wah Council of Aceh, Gampong Rumpet, Kec. Krueng Barona Jaya, Aceh Besar.
Chairman of the Committee M Reza Adlani, S. Sos said the activities were conducted to train the skills and apply the knowledge they have gained during learning in ADI Aceh.
"Because in essence science will not be useful if not submitted and practiced directly in the middle of society. Therefore it is very important to train par dai from the area for the continuation of da'wah in the future, "said Reza.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Aceh Da'wah Council Dr Tgk Hasanuddin Yusuf Adan MCL MA very support and appreciate the implementation of these activities.
According to him this is a form of participation and seriousness and commitment of Da'wah Council of Aceh in assisting the government to escort the border areas and hinterlands of Aceh from things that are not desirable.
"The Da'wah Council of Aceh is very ready and will always be with the Aceh government to preach in the border areas and hinterlands of Aceh is also a vulnerable area of aqidah. Of course, also needed cooperation from all parties, especially the Aceh government to escort him, "closed Tgk Hasanuddin.
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