Potential Zakat Fitrah in Lebak Banten Rp700 Million
By : Nina Karlita And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, May 28 2018 - 16:00 IWST
BAZNAS (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Lebak - Chairman of National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Lebak H Eri Rahmat said the potential of zakat fitrah in this area reached Rp700 million.
"We believe the potential of zakat fitrah fund for that minimum can be realized around Rp660 million," said H Eri Rahmat in Lebak, Sunday (17/05/2018)
Zakat fitrah fund collection is expected to reach the target set.
Because, in the month of Ramadan for the economically capable people are required to pay zakat fitrah.
If, zakat fitrah fund is collected then Baznas will again channel to the people who are entitled to receive it.
Baznas allocates zakat fund receivers as many as 18,870 people spread over 345 villages and urban villages in 28 districts.
Distribution of zakat funds is in order to improve the welfare of the people.
To that end, Baznas Lebak stipulates the payment of zakat fitrah in 2018 of Rp35,000 per person.
The determination of zakat fitrah of that size involves the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Islamic organizations and local governments.
"We hope zakat fitrah funds can be realized at least Rp660 million," he explained.
According to Eri, the potential of collecting zakat fitrah, apart from the community are also civil servants (PNS) and private companies.
In fact, the payment of zakat fitrah for civil servants subject to two people.
In addition, it also maximizes the collection of zakat fitrah funds from the Sub-district Zakat Management Unit (UPZ).
"All the collected zakat fitrah funds are channeled back to the people who actually receive their rights," he said.
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