BRI Operations Remains Running on Holiday Lebaran 2018
By : Dina Astria And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, June 01 2018 - 19:00 IWST
Bank BRI dalam menyambut Lebaran. (Rizki Meirino/ - Jakarta - Toward the Idul Fitri holidays, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk operations will ensure that it will continue to run. Preparation of all banking services BRI will be available for 9 to 20 June 2018, through 463 operational work units (UKO).
"We have prepared 229 UKOs that provide services for corporate customers such as Pertamina, Bulog and other limited operational services," papa Osbal Saragi, Director of Network and Services of BRI Bank when met at a press conference on Thursday (31/5) yesterday.
Osbal also explained that the operational unit is serving the deposit of BBM revenue, tax payment, Non-Tax State Revenue, Loan Deposit and cash withdrawal.
"All operational work units will continue to perform services during Lebaran holidays except on the day-H ie on 15 and 16 June 2018," he added.
Bank BRI also provides Weekend Banking service on June 9, 2018 through 167 UKOs and on June 10, 2018 through 54 UKOs.
Bank BRI keeps appealing to customers to transact on 24-hour banking services such as BRI BRI Mobile, BRI Internet Banking, SMS Banking BRI which can be used for transaction customers such as balance information to buy tickets back and forth, buy credit, give pocket money, shopping online as well as paying bills.
In addition, BRI has provided 8,072 ATM machines, 120,000 BRILink Agents, 103,000 EDC machines, and 26,000 EDC machines in merchants such as Alfamart, Alfamidi, Indomaret, Yomart and Cocomart.
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