Site Directorate General of Tax Returns Are Back to Normal
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, June 11 2018 - 13:30 IWST
Ilustrasi Kantor Pusat Direktorat Pajak Jakarta (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - Site owned by the Directorate General of Taxation Ministry of Finance back to normal on Monday morning (11/06/2018) after being hacked by irresponsible parties on Sunday (10/06/2018).
On Sunday (10/6), the tax site was hacked by Anonymous Arabe account, and the DGT then restarted the server on the DJP data center and once it was done, the site returned to normal.
Director of Counseling, Services and Public Relations Directorate General of Taxes Ministry of Finance Hestu Yoga Saksama in his official statement to ensure data Taxpayers (WP) all databases, features, and application of taxes in a safe state.
"No need to worry, taxpayer data is declared safe because there is no data on the Taxpayer site," said Hestu.
He asserted, the Directorate General of Taxes is committed to continuously improve the site security system or DGT information system.
Previously, on the tax site had appeared a background page desert and the Palestinian flag and the words 'HACKED BY ANONYMOUS ARABE'.
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