Long Holiday Effects Current Mudik Flow
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, June 12 2018 - 17:30 IWST
Lepas Mudik Gratis, Menhub Janji Naikkan Kuota Tahun Depan (Foto Humas)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta -Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) should give appreciation to the government for the smoothness of Idul Fitri, at least until H minus three. No congestion on the highway. Although in many segments still a functional toll along the 293 km.
Tulus Abadi, Chairman of YLKI Daily Management asked the question, whether the smooth flow of 100 percent going home because of the Trans Java toll?
"Of course, this influence exists, but it is not the only one, not even the dominant factor. In fact, if the Trans Javanese toll is estimated according to Kakorlantas predictions of Police Headquarters, Police Major Royke Lumuwa, will trigger a traffic generation and that means congestion cannot be avoided. The level of congestion can be more severe than the previous Lebaran homecoming, 2017, "he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (12/06/2018).
According to him, the current flow of the dominant mudik factor is the government extend the Lebaran holidays. Since the beginning of Lebaran holiday extension is indeed dedicated to expedite the flow of traffic. Alias is a traffic engineering instrument, _traffic engineering. With the extension of Idul Fitri holidays, travelers will be free to arrange their homecoming trip. And the effect breaks the dominance of homecoming flow on a certain date.
"In other words, if the Lebaran holiday is not extended then, as predicted by Kakorlantas Police Headquarters, it is very possible that Trans Java toll road will become a" hell "congestion for Lebaran homecoming," he said.
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