Collection of Zakat Ramadhan Nationally Estimated Rp3 Trillion
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, June 13 2018 - 15:30 IWST
Sambut Ramadan BAZNAS Sampaikan Pesan Damai (Foto Dok - Jakarta - Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) targets national zakat earnings during Ramadan to reach Rp 3 trillion. The target will be donated by the central, provincial and district BAZNAS and private Amil Zakat Institution. Special Baznas center of Ramadan will contribute Rp56 billion.
Deputy BAZNAS M. Arifin Purwakananta said BAZNAS central donation rose 40 percent from last year which contributed only Rp40 billion.
"The target of national zakat Baznas province, City Rp 3 trillion, Rp8 trillion target year, the achievement of the figure rose about 40 percent from last year around Rp40 billion may be Rp 56 billion translucent," he told in Jakarta on Wednesday (13/6/2018).
He said the achievement of Baznas this center exceeds the national achievement which only rose 20 percent.
"But the central Baznas is up 40 percent because the public believes in BAZNAS," he said.
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