Iluni UI Asks Seven Campus Issues Exposed Radical Understanding Discontinued

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, June 13 2018 - 18:00 IWST

ILUNI UI (Foto Dok
ILUNI UI (Foto Dok - Jakarta - The University of Indonesia Alumni Association (ILUNI UI) Executive Committee called on all parties from both government, universities and non-governmental organizations to refrain from making statements linking a college campus with radicalism until there is a clear and measurable definition.

Therefore, it is better for posters and memes in social media and in the mass media to mention the existence of 7 famous state universities campus exposed radicalism ideology immediately terminated and if necessary perpetrators of its spread can be processed by law because of defame of college of the country itself. Instead the National Agency for Combating Terrorists (BNPT) immediately provides clarification of the information so that people are not restless and not mutually suspicious.

Information that mentions seven campuses exposed to radicalism is a serious matter. Such statements may have disastrous social impacts on the college campus community including its student families, alumni lecturer families and off-campus communities. Organizations, groups within the campus can become suspicious, while college leaders ranging from rectors to deans and heads of majors are troubled to provide clarification to various parties, "said Chairman of the Central Board of the University of Indonesia Alumni Association on Sunday (10/6) in Jakarta. Arief conveyed that answer the question of the press related to the outstanding issues mentioning the existence of 7 state universities exposed to the idea of ​​radicalism. At that time Arief Budhy Hardono accompanied by Secretary General ILUNI UI Andre Rahadian, and the chairman of ILUNI UI, among others Eman Sulaeman Nasim and Tomy Suryatama.

According to Arief Budhy Hardono, before someone or an institution throws accusations against one or more campuses, it is better that people and institutions sit together with the campus to define in advance what is meant by radicalism and clear measures. If there is no clear definition, strong facts and measurable data, should all parties be cautious and refrain from making statements to the media and the public regarding college campuses and radicalism, especially in today's society that radicalism is closely linked to terrorism.

Furthermore, Arif explained that during the campus of University of Indonesia (UI) both in Depok and Salemba Jakarta, social life, tolerance among the followers of religion among students, lecturers, and alumni went very well. There has never been any conflict, let alone involving violence, between students, lecturers and alumni because of differences in religion, belief and understanding. Everyone is jealous and respectful. .

"Similarly, activities in mosques and campus mosques both in Depok and Salemba are very open and inclusive. Students and lecturers come to the mosque in addition to performing worship services, discussions also to deepen religious knowledge. Not a few students who finished praying in the mosque to re-read or repeat courses taught in the classes, " said Arief Budhy Hardono.

Added by Eman Sulaeman Nasim, lecturer and alumni of the University of Indonesia also plays many roles both in government institutions, legislative, judiciary, community organizations and non-governmental organizations to continue to build a sound political and democratic system within the framework of Pancasila and NKRI. While the students, in addition to achieving achievements in the field of science development both at the national and world level that the good name of the nation and the Republic of Indonesia.

"Therefore, the accusation that our campus, University of Indonesia, is exposed to radicalism is very surprising and makes many of us offended. If there are certain ideologies or ideologies that are deemed to endanger the integrity of the nation and state in the present and future that have the potential to develop in campus, it is better that government officials such as BNPT, Polri, Ministry of Higher Education and Densus 88 coordinate with university leaders to take steps safeguards and prevention in silent operations. No need to be heralded that makes the atmosphere rowdy and mutually suspicious, "said Chairman ILUNI UI Eman Sulaeman Nasim.

In the same place, Secretary General ILUNI UI Andre Rahadian mentions to date there has never been data and facts presented as a basis to declare a radical understanding that endangers developing countries on the campus of the University of Indonesia (UI). To that end, Andre Rahadian appealed to the leaders and government agencies to not easily cast a statement or accusation to the public that can discredit or potentially damage the good name of a certain high-ranking campus without accompanied by accurate evidence and facts.

"There should be an understanding about what is meant by this ideology or radical movement, especially in campus environment where the freedom of academic rostrum is a very important thing to be maintained. If the apparatus and the head of the regulatory authorities already have strong and accurate data and facts about the existence of radical ideology or movement that is inconsistent or against the Pancasila and NKRI, behave like a guardian. Call college leaders and faculty. Coordinate for prevention and security. Before the existence of the understanding of the definition of radicalism, the statement as it is done today can actually be used by certain parties, fried for political interests, causing the effect of mutual suspicion. Judging from the effectiveness of counter-terrorism, we argue that open statements to the public about campuses exposed to radicalism on campus are of little use, and even tend to be counter-productive, as terrorism is perpetrated by silent cells which can be increasingly difficult to identify with the mutually exciting model approach suspicious like this "said Andre Rahadian

Tomy Suryatama, one of the heads of ILUNI Ui in his recent interview with the media, stated that inter-governmental science-based dialogue, people's representatives and academics within the framework of Pancasila and NKRI need to be done continuously to build trust among stakeholders on this issue of radicalism . "The tendency for inter-community grouping with anti-Pancasila, anti-religious framing and other primordial issues in the interest of attracting the masses and power struggles is stronger in these political years, which is very dangerous, increases tensions and can trigger conflict horizontal who can cultivate the seeds of terrorism ILUNI UI has repeatedly appealed to the leaders of the nation and the political elite to think long and cautious in giving statements and raised issues that could lead to divisions in the interests of a much larger, the unity of the nation and progress of NKRI ".

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