MUI and Pegadaian Increase Sharia Financial Literacy

By : Dina Astria And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, July 06 2018 - 19:00 IWST

MUI dan Pegadaian terus encarkan literasi keuangan syariah (Dok. Pegadaian)
MUI dan Pegadaian terus encarkan literasi keuangan syariah (Dok. Pegadaian) - Jombang - Pegadaian immediately convert conventional outlets into sharia in several cities in Indonesia as the Financial Services Authority and Indonesian Ulema Council in accelerating the development of sharia economy and finance in Indonesia because it can improve the welfare of the community.

Sharia economic and financial development needs to be hastened because sharia financial products can significantly improve the welfare, not only Muslims, but also the whole society. The development of sharia financial products and halal industry trends in several cities are capable of driving the wheels of the economy, increasing revenues and employment opportunities, including empowering SMEs so that ultimately can increase national economic growth. "For that Pawnshop immediately convert some of its outlets into sharia to answer the needs of the community, especially in East Java," said President Director of PT Pegadaian (Persero) Sunarso, Sunday (1/7), in Jombang.

This was revealed by Sunarso in the Halaqah Nanny of Pesantren with the Majelis Permusyawaratan Pesantren Sean Indonesia (MP3i) entitled "Islamic Financial Urgency for Economic Empowerment Ummat." Other speakers in the Halaqah were the Chairman of MUI KH. Ma'ruf Amin, Prof. M. Mahfud MD, Dr. KH. Cholil Nafis, MA, and Nanny of Pondok Pesantren As Salafiyyah As Syafi'iyyah Situbondo KH. Afifuddin Muhajir.

According to the Chairman of the Majelis Ulama Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin, the development of sharia economy can encourage the acceleration of the development of the Islamic financial sector. So far, the government and stakeholders focus more on encouraging the growth of the Islamic finance industry, but the empowerment of sharia economy itself has not been touched.

"For that we continue to work with various parties so that the public will be more familiar with the existence of Islamic products, which can be used as a source of financing, replacing conventional financing and economic empowerment of the ummah. As a country with a majority of Muslims, the condition of Indonesia is very lagging in the absorption of funds from Islamic finance. With this activity is expected to increase even more "said KH Ma'ruf Amin.

In his speech, the caretaker of Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng KH. Solahuddin Wahid said that since the establishment of one of the syariah banks in Indonesia in the early 90s, the development of sharia economy continues to increase. Even now there are many institutions both pesantren and non-pesantren who have done the initiative of sharia.

"Although it must be admitted there is still a lot of homework that must be done ummah Islam so that the sharia economy can contribute even more to the country," closed KH. Solahuddin Wahid.

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