Ministry of Agriculture Continues to Improve Public Services
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, July 17 2018 - 20:30 IWST
Sekjen Kementerian Pertanian Syukur Iwantoro - Bogor - "Service apparatus at Technical Service Unit (UPT) must have integrity, professional, neutral, and free from political intervention, clean from the practice of Collusion and Nepotism Corruption" said Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Syukur Iwantoro in the event of Coordination Forum Technical Implementation Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture The year 2018 took place in Bogor, July 15, 2018.
The event invites all Head of UPT Scope of the Ministry of Agriculture is the theme of "increasing the role of Technical Implementation Unit in improving the acceleration of e-government implementation in the field of institutional, management, human resources and public service".
Gratitude explained, "the purpose of this event is to improve coordination and consolidation between UPT Scope of the Ministry of Agriculture in implementing agricultural development programs and activities" said Syukur.
Furthermore, he added, this event to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of work to support the acceleration of the achievement of work programs and improve the quality of service to the community with the implementation of e-government in the field of institutional and public services.
"Diera Jokowi-JK this government is very concerned with public services, so e-government should be maximized" said Syukur.
"Our target in 2019 will be e-government all our UPTs are above average," he added.
"The indicator of this success is the public feel served and satisfied with the services that are in us" said Gratitude.
"Therefore, we continue to socialize and monitor the implementation of e-government in UPT" he said.
The hope, with this event, communication and coordination between UPT, can be realized institutional and human resources systems are effective and efficient in supporting agricultural programs. Realization of public services within the scope of the Ministry of Agriculture is fast, accurate, transparent, professional, accountable, efficient and effective "Thank you pungkas.
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