Number of Additional Taxes Denied Gayo Coffee Farmers
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, July 30 2018 - 16:30 IWST
Tanaman kopi (foto - Banda Aceh - A number of Gayo Coffee Farmers Cooperatives complain about the amount of value-added tax payable for each domestic or domestic transaction, said the head of the local association.
"We have to pay ten percent for every transaction in the country, this is too burdensome," said Chairman of the Indonesian Fairtrade Producers Association, Djumhur in a press release received Antara in Banda Aceh, Sunday (29/07/2018).
He explained the complaints about the amount of domestic taxes they had to issue when they had an audience with the Central Aceh Bupati, Shabela Ahubakar.
According Djumhur, it also has written to the Minister of Finance to find a solution to the problems being faced by coffee exporters and until now there has been no firm answer.
Djumhur assessed the Value Added Tax that applies to the coffee since 2015 and starting the last few months Tax Officers have asked the Cooperative to pay the obligations ranging from Rp500 million to Rp 4 billion.
"So far we have never burdened the farmers with the taxes," said Djumhur.
It hopes that the problem is experiencing can soon there is a solution so that later not burdensome Cooperative which in fact its members are coffee farmers.
Central Aceh Bupati, Shabela Abubakar, said that in dealing with the issue, there needs to be a more intense consultation with the Directorate General of Taxation in Jakarta.
"It needs to be explained to the Directorate General of Taxation in Jakarta to clearly sit on the matter, we will also accompany directly," he said Shabela.
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