BNI Syariah Holds The Best Sharia Bank Degree for Five Consecutive Years
By : Wiyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, August 24 2018 - 21:32 IWST
BNI Syariah dapat award - Jakarta - BNI Syariah won an award of The Best Sharia assets above 10 trillion which is the fifth consecutive year since 2014. The award was received by the President Director of BNI Syariah, Abdullah Firman Wibowo.
This award is the mandate of BNI Syariah to continue to provide optimal performance to the community as a form of commitment to support the growth of sharia economy in Indonesia, both in terms of asset enhancement, access and collection of funding, quality financing and sharia services that reach community coverage in cities and sub- urban. We hope to be a good partner for customers to realize their goals through financial planning according to sharia, said Firman in Jakarta, Friday (08/24/2018).
The event which is held annually is a form of Investor Magazine's appreciation of the development of the sharia industry that has succeeded in improving business performance and recording good performance qualities including the banking industry, insurance, finance companies, mutual funds, Islamic bonds as well as Islamic scholars and figures.
Assessments based on the 2017 financial statements include CAR (capital adequacy ratio), NPF (non performing financing), ROE (return on equity), NIM (net interest margin), BOPO (operating expenses), cash provision, 1 year net profit growth, third party funds, financing, financing utilization ratios, percentage of mudharabah and musyarakah financing, the ratio of alms-giving zakat funds to net income and the ratio of the use of qardh funds to assets.
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