Press Council Starts Provincial SMSI Verification

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, August 25 2018 - 21:30 IWST

Dewan Pers Mulai Verifikasi SMSI Provinsi (Foto
Dewan Pers Mulai Verifikasi SMSI Provinsi (Foto - Jakarta - The Press Council Plan (DP) to verify the existence of the Indonesian Siberian Media Union (SMSI) in the Provinces began to be realized. Friday (08/23/2018) for the first SMSI East Java Province (East Java) was verified factually by the Press Council (DP). Confirmed, continued verification of the management of SMSI in the provinces set by the DP.

This SMSI East Java verification was carried out by Imam Wahyudi, DP Member along with Reza special staff from the DP Secretariat, at the SMSI East Java secretariat Jalan Taman Apsari 15-17, Surabaya East Java.

Almost all of the SMSI East Java administrators were present, including Lutfil Hakim, coach, Eko Pamuji, Chairperson, Makin Rahmat, Secretary, Andi Setiawan, Treasurer, Second Field Heri Wahyudi, Rossi Rahardjo, Sokip, Raditya Khaddafi, and Syaiful Anam Deputy Secretary.

Accompanied by Makin Rahmat, Eko Pamuji, Chairman of the SMSI of East Java Province, said that verification of the management of the provincial SMSI was the first to be carried out by the DP.

"I am proud, because the East Java SMSI is the first place to be verified by the Press Council. Pride is because we can show that SMSI is really preparing what the Press Council requires," he said.

Makin Rahmat added, "The first phase of SMSI East Java reports to the DP and the Central SMSI there are 21 companies that have been verified administratively. When factual verification is done by the Press Council, all conditions have been fulfilled," he said.

According to Imam Wahyudi the factual verification of this organization is one of the requirements of the Press organization to be in the process of becoming a constituent of the Press Council.

"As is known, that sitting in the Press Council other than community leaders is a representation of the DP constituents. The so-called Press organization generally consists of two elements, namely the Journalist Organization and the Press Company Organization. The Press Council together with the Press Society has set Journalist Organization Standards on Tuesday, March 14, 2006. Then the Press Company Organization Standard was set on December 6, 2007 "explained Imam.

"The requirements of journalist organizations to become constituents of the Press Council have at least 500 members, and there are arrangements in each province, regency and city. While the requirements for press companies have a minimum of 200 press companies spread across a minimum of 15 provinces. Administrators, facilities and infrastructure in the Province "this province must be verified," Imam continued.

As is known the Press Journalist and Organization, hereinafter referred to as Press organization, refers to the Press Law and the provisions of the Press Council. CSOs and NGOs are regulated in UURI Number 17 of 2013 concerning Mass Organizations.

If the facts in the field there are still many people claiming to be from the press organization, According to Firdaus Secretary General SMSI "If some people consist of several friends, relatives, and even children and wives, then make stamps, and then establish an organization in the name of the Press Society. Cilaka "Things like this can damage public confidence in the press and media organizations" said Firdaus.

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