Minister Airlangga Hopes 2025 Electric Car Production Reaches 20 Percent
By : Ridwan And Aldi Firhand. A | Monday, August 28 2017 - 17:17 IWST
Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartanto - Jakarta, the Ministry of Industry has developed a road map or roadmap for the development of the national automotive industry so that this priority sector will be more competitive in the global market. One of the steps being focused is to encourage the production of low carbon emission vehicles (LCEVs).
"The development of electric cars has been included in the roadmap under discussion by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), and we hope that by 2025 the production of electric cars will reach 20 percent of the total national motor vehicle production," said Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto at Kemenperin Office, Jakarta, Monday 28/8/2017).
He added, from now until the year 2025 there is a hybrid-based machine. "Of course in the future we see how big the technology will be developed, because the technology other than the electric car that developed into the future also fuel cell technology, we also while looking at and learn the development of further technology," he explained.
Menperin convey, in order to accelerate the commercialization and development of hybrid and electric vehicle production in the country, which is also the most important factor is the provision of incentives to manufacturers of both fiscal and nonfiscal incentives. It is believed to be able to spur the competitiveness of local production in the international arena.
"We will push on the import duty." He is the base kilowatt and km / liter, so the target is above 30 km / liter for the hybrid, "he added.
Kemenperin also continue to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and ministries and agencies concerned in conducting discussion of incentive facilities. These incentives can be gradually being tailored to the deepening commitment of manufacturing that has been implemented in some industry sectors.
Furthermore, the minister said, in the development of this electric car, needed adequate infrastructure and technology because the number of suppliers or supporting industries is still quite a bit compared to existing vehicle manufacturers.
"Infrastructure supporters live only electrical plugs, because this one is based plug-in hybrid he can be plugged anywhere, like the phone do have a charger, so he has a fast charging can put in each garage, For other technology self charging there double engine, so a regular machine is in the car, so directly generate electricity to charge, the self charging does not require in plug, so no need to plug in, "he said.
As is known, in the near future, Kemenperin with stakeholders will conduct trials on 10 prototype electric cars that can be categorized road worthy. "The prototype will be distributed, among others, to the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in order to be tested while the regulation we prepare," concluded Airlangga.
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