Million House Program, Local Government Asked to Facilitate Land Appointment
By : Ahmad Fadli And Aldi Firhand. A | Wednesday, September 13 2017 - 19:19 IWST
Illustration of Flats in Jakarta - Jakarta - The Ministry of Home Affairs encourages the Regional Government (Pemda) in accordance with its authority to facilitate the appointment of land. This is to succeed the one million house program for Low Income Communities (MBR).
Acting Duties (Plt) Directorate General of Regional Development Diah Indrajati said the initial step in supporting the national program is by issuing the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (MoHA) number 55 year 2017.
"Based on Law number 23 of 2014, we Directorate General of Bangda only facilitate land appointment and facilitate the permit, because for the construction of houses for MBR is the central authority," said Diah quoted from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tuesday (09/12/2017).
Directorate General of Bangda and Ministry of Public Works and People Housing will continue to socialize to the related areas of Minister of Home Affairs Rules (Permendagri). Diah said it would encourage the local government to revise local regulations related to the construction permit for the MBR house.
"It is for those who already have a law, for those who have not immediately set up its licensing regulation," she explained.
Diah added the direction of Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo is socialization to all local governments and stakeholder by providing easy access to the community to get a cheap house.
As is known, the program is a follow-up package of economic policies XIII as well as a form of government awareness of low-income people (MBR) in the homeland in the effort of home ownership.
In order to support the program has been issued the legal umbrella of Government Regulation (Perppu) No. 64 of 2016 on Low-Income Housing Development.
On February 17, 2017, Vice President Jusuf Kalla led the coordination meeting directly to discuss the follow up of the issuance of Perppu No. 64 of 2016 in order to be operated in the regions.
To support it all, MOHA has also established Permendagri number 55 year 2017 on the Implementation of Licensing and Non Licensing of Housing Development for Low-Income Communities in the Region on 20 July 2017.
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