Reload e Money Mandiri Syariah Did Not Found in Village Branch
By : Wiyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, September 16 2017 - 18:00 IWST
Konsumen pengguna e money Mandiri Syariah - Jakarta-The charging of Bank Syariah Mandiri electronic money (BSM), which is a co-branding with its parent, has not yet touched the rural Mandiri Syariah Branch, as it is only available in big cities in Indonesia.
BSM has a target spread of e money reaches 25 thousand cards, up to now has reached 18 thousand cards. "God willing, we will continue to improve and provide the best solution in sharia banking services to customers, including in non-cash transaction services," said Director of Distribution & Services Mandiri Syariah Edwin Dwidjajanto at Jakarta.
With e-money, Edwin added, customers of sharia banks can make payments in all merchants that have cooperated, such as toll payment, Transjakarta tickets, Commuterline tickets, parking fees, shopping at various merchants, etc.
For replenishment, e-money holders may do so at all Mandiri e-money refill facilities, Mandiri Syariah branches or merchant retailers that have cooperated, either in cash or using Mandiri's Mandiri card and Mandiri Syariah debit card.
Mandiri Syariah, continued Edwin, will continue to contribute to create cashless society in Indonesia one of them through socialization e-money as a means of payment that is practical, efficient and safe.
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