Djarot: Now Minitrans Ready to Replace Metromini
By : Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, July 24 2017 - 19:57 IWST
5540 - Jakarta - Jakarta Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat said that bus entrepreneurs of Kopaja and Metromini want to join PT Transjakarta, if they do not want to join then next year according to the rules they live history.
"I hope that at least 2018 is up, it's gone by itself.”Djarot said after witnessing the signing of cooperation BNI Syariah and PT Transjakarta in procurement Transjakarta bus, at City Hall, Jakarta, Tuesday (18/07/2017).
PT Transjakarta is now launching the latest transportation mode under the name of minitrans, to replace the metromini transportation which has been operating in Jakarta.
"Medium-sized bus is needed because in small roads baseball may be passed by large Transjakarta bus. This can be used as a bus feeder and also a revitalization process of transportation, "said Djarot
Meanwhile, Head of Jakarta Transportation Department Andri Yansyah said that his party appealed to metromini owners to join PT Transjakarta. Nevertheless, Andri said, the city government does not force them.
"If you do not want to join, it is not a problem, but if there is overlap, do not disturb us," said Andri.
As information, BNI Syariah Bank in cooperation with PT TransJakarta signed a partnership agreement to distribute financing for the purchase of bus partner TransJakarta as much as 300 units with total financing of Rp168 billion.
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