Yulianis focus on weak KPK Supervision Handle Corruption
By : Aldi Firhand Alqudri | Tuesday, July 25 2017 - 14:47 IWST
Yulianis the Key Witness of corruption case
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta- key witness of the athlete's homes corruption case, Yulianis, highlighted the weakness of the KPK's supervision function against other law enforcement agencies in handling corruption because other agencies have difficulty obtaining evidence since they have submitted them to the KPK.
"Coordination between agencies in the KPK is not running, because for example other institutions difficult to borrow evidence of corruption cases that I have, even though I have submitted all to KPK," said Yulianis in Public Hearing Meeting of KPK Rights Questionnaire, at the Nusantara Building, Jakarta, Monday (7/24/2017)
He cited when the police wanted to check him in relation to one of the cases, the investigator of the agency asked for evidence.
Then Yulianis said she had submitted all the evidence to the KPK so that the police investigators better ask directly to the KPK.
"The police investigator said that they has sent a letter requesting to borrow the evidence to the KPK but not responded by the KPK," she said.
According to him, the incident also occurred in the KPK internal for example, KPK investigators want to investigate the project in the Ministry of Transportation and ask for his information and ask for evidence it has.
Yulianis said she had told the investigator that all the data had been submitted to the KPK.
"They asked for the data, then I said why ask for more data because the KPK already hold it all so just stay asking for it. They say it's a hassle, I finally said that do not bring proof and data so do not check me," she said.
She also highlighted the handling of cases in the KPK of 162 projects run by Nazaruddin, anti-corruption agencies that only handle five projects and ensnare the former Treasurer of the Democratic Party in the case of Wisma Athletes only.
The five projects, according to her, are Solar Power Station (PLTS) in Mesuji, Lampung, with suspects Nazaruddin wife, procurement at Udayana University Bali with suspect Marisi Matondang, procurement laboratory of Airlangga University with Minarsih suspect.
"Then the procurement of health equipment at Airlangga University Hospital with suspect Minarsih, then Wisma Athletes with suspects Rosa, Nazaruddin, Andi Mallarangeng, and Wafid Muharam," she said.
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