There is a Holding Bank of SOEs, How is the fate of Syariah Bank BUMN?
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, November 21 2017 - 19:00 IWST
Bank Mandiri Syariah (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - Pefindo continues to monitor the development of a holding plan for banks of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). It is planned that Danareksa will become the holding of state-owned banks. What is the fate of a subsidiary in the sharia sector?
PEFINDO Hendro Utomo analyst revealed that the impact to Mandiri Syariah and BRI Syariah has not been explored on the respective master plan which will have holding.
"Our bank's holding form is closely monitored as Danareksa's ratings are positive, as Danareksa is appointed holding state-owned banks.However, the impact of sharia banks such as Mandiri Syariah and BRI Syariah we see the second rank is still regardless of the possibility of corporate action, if the bank's BMN holding is realized. to the ranking, "he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/11/2017).
He said that until now, support for Mandiri Syariah and BRI Syariah, comes from the parent of these two banks. "Both ratings are still influenced by shareholder support and the position of both companies is strong enough in the syraiah banking segment," he said.
In relation to the government taking over shares other than the parent, Hendro has not deeply assessed the impact to the ratings of these two sharia banks.
"Indeed, there was a merger of sharia banks of state-owned companies, whether one, not yet be reflected because of the focus of perioritas holding of state-owned banks, if implemented final considered merger review can be forwarded or not," he said.
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