Lion Air Pilot was Caught by Police Allegedly Bringing Drugs on Aircraft
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, December 05 2017 - 18:30 IWST
Lion Air (Foto Ist) - Kupang - A Lion Air airline pilot on MS (49) who was arrested by police while using drugs in a Kupang city hotel allegedly carrying drugs inside the plane he flew.
AKBP Kupang City Police Chief Anthon C Nugroho told media crews in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Tuesday (5/12/2017) to explain the suspects confessed to carrying a type of shabu-shabu drug from his native place in Tangerang, Jakarta.
"One package of this type of sabusabu is stored in the wallet when flying aircraft to Kupang City," he said.
Anthon explained, on Monday (4/12) night unit of Drug Police Kupang City Police get information on the abuse of drugs in one of the hotel rooms in Kupang City.
From the information, Head of Drug Unit together with the investigators coordinate with the hotel management to make the arrest.
MS was caught while on drugs and after testing it was found to be positive using a type of shabu-shabu drug, he said.
He said the search results found a number of evidence in the form of a package of narcotics type shabu-shabu, a suction device, gas lighters, plastic straws, syringes, a cell phone and a bottle of alcohol that has been consumed.
"When the capture is done, the shabu-shabu package used remains about 0.57 grams and the rest has been consumed, based on his confession, the first time he used drugs," he said.
He said it also conducted checks on several women in different hotel rooms who were co-workers of the suspect or crew of the plane but there was no drug abuse.
"Then related goods that escaped carried in the plane that we are still investigating in the next development," he said.
As a result of his actions, the suspect MS subject to Article 112 subsider Article 127 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 with the threat of imprisonment of a minimum of four years in prison.
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