2019, Indonesia becomes Host of Asia Pacific Property Congress
By : Ahmad Fadli And Aldi Firhand. A | Monday, December 11 2017 - 21:29 IWST
Soelaman Soemawinata, Chair of REI (Doc. Industry)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - Indonesia was selected as Host of FIABCI Asia Pacific Real Estate Cogress (APREC) 2019 which is planned to take place in ICE BSD Serpong and Bali. This is followed by the election of the Chairman of the Indonesian Real Estate Company (REI) Soelaeman Soemawinata as the FIABCI Asia Pacific President or FIABCI President of Asia Pacific for the period 2018-2019.
FIABCI Asia Pacific is a property industry organization that covers Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.
In addition to choosing Eman as FIABCI Asia Pacific President period 2018-2019, the General Assembly of FIABCI also elect and assign DPI REI Secretary General Totok Lusida as Vice President of World FIABCI Developers Council period 2018-2020.
And Vice Chairman of DPP REI Reneration Foreign Affairs Rusmin Lawin as World FIABCI Board Member period 2018-2019. Currently, Rusmin serves as Vice President of World FIABCI Asia Pacific.
Not only that, Indonesia is also selected as Host FIABCI Asia Pacific Real Estate Cogress (APREC) 2019 which is planned to take place in ICE BSD Serpong and Bali.
We will take advantage of APREC 2019 momentum to show the world real estate community about the achievement and progress of the property industry in the country. Time for the nation's children's work is known in the global arena, said Eman, Monday (11/12/2017).
According to Eman, by hosting the FIABCI APREC 2019, it is expected to introduce Indonesian tourism to encourage efforts to increase foreign tourist visits as well as the impact of other prestigious events such as the Asian Games or Annual Meeting World Bank and IMF which will take place in 2018.
The theme that will be carried on FIABCI APREC 2019 is about housing development for MBR and development of new cities.
It is aimed at introducing the Million Housing Development (PSR) program to the world, and the alignment of the national property industry to the needs of low-income residents.
REI will also develop the latest FIABCI WORLD program that is the Cities Prosperity Initiative in which FIABCI WORLD has worked with UN Habitat to encourage and develop cities in developing countries to have affordable, habitable and eco-friendly dwellings.
Later, REI will select cities in the country to be included in the FIABCI DUNIA program at the World Urban Forum 2018 which will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2018, added Rusmin Lawin.
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