President University Cooperates with Primagam to Develop Human Resources
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, December 24 2017 - 17:00 IWST
President University bekerja sama dengan Primagama kembangkan SDM - Jakarta - President University collaborates with Primagama in human resources development which is marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding by Vice Rector III for Student and Alumni Affairs of President University, Agus H. Canny and Primagama President Director Azhar Risyad Sunaryo together with Primagama Director Anthonius Rahardjo in Jakarta, Friday (22/12/2017).
Encountered at the event Risyad said, this cooperation will not only limit to academic but also non academic. So with the cooperation will be able to connect dreams of Primagama students.
"Because our students who participate in bimbel want to go to the best university, so we see President University as a partner that is very suitable for us to cooperate," he said.
Risyad assess, President University which has been established since 2001 has graduates that can be directly absorbed by Jababeka Industrial Estate. "It's an interesting thing for students to get a career path," Risyad said.
Meanwhile, Anthonius revealed, initially Primagama has a market in harmony with President University so that students who have finished from Primagama can be accommodated at President University. "and maybe initially with the scholarship program." He said.
He added, what is more desirable than the students is what gets after the lecture is over.
"Because Jababeka is an industrial area and quite sophisticated, there are electronics, cosmetics, etc. so that students can see that there is a university and there are also jobs, jobs that have a clear career path and hopefully in accordance with passion of each individual student. "He added.
On the same occasion, Corporate Marketing Manager of PT Jababeka Tbk. Ardiyansyah Djafar said, with the network owned by President University to the industrial area and its alumni proof received by the work of various top companies both in Indonesia and abroad, Primagama's entry as a strategic partner is expected to occur symbiosis mutualism between Primagama and President University sertastake holders related.
"Primagama will have partners with a highly qualified graduate track record and a strong network with the Industry. President University will also have a strategic partner in education. Moreover, Primagama has been very experienced in the world of education Indonesia I think will be an ideal combination, "said Ardiyansyah.
He added that this cooperation will not only the field of education but also other fields. "We can open another cooperation door with Primagama," he added.
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